Yes, it has been such a long time. 6 weeks. The whole money motivation idea was a good one,but it didn't work. I'm not sure why not, it just didn't. I guess I needed an actual person to do the challenge with me, and because I'm doing all of this on my own, it didn't work out. I guess that I could have deleted both posts, but that's sort of cheating. I want people to find out about my failures as well as my successes.
Realising that I had reached a point where running outdoors wasn't my thing, I decided that my last resort was to join a gym - hence the hell freezing over. I never thought that I'd join one, I always figured that I could do it without, and I'm sure that I can, but I don't want this weight loss to go on forever. I really want to finish roughly by the end of the year.
The gym is quite inexpensive, it's not that much really, but it allows me to exercise as much as my body can tolerate. I see it as a machine, I walk in and then I'm away, exercising for a set amount of time. Then I walk out, and effectively turning off the machine for next time.
I joined just under a month ago, the first 2 1/2 weeks were really me getting to grips with the exercise, but no real intention of losing weight. I guess my eating increased. Then I went low carb. As you may recall, I went high carb back in January. Big mistake. The biggest since starting this weight loss.
About 10 days ago I went low carb again, and kept it up. It's always hard at first, but with each day it gets easier. As an experiment, I'm trying 150 grams a day of weight loss. I really don't know whether I'll achieve this, but I'm trying. If it's just too hard, I'll try 140 grams a day.
As for what I'm up to at the gym, well it's very plain and boring. The elliptical trainer. That's it. No other piece of equipment suits me as much. I get on, drift off and either one or two hours later, I'm finished. Two hours is a lot, but if I've got the time to do it, I'll do it. I'm pretty tired afterwards, but it's worth it.
My weight is currently 87.4kg, the lowest in about 3 1/2 months. Soon, I'll be back to where I was, that fateful day I went high carb back in January.