Sunday 25 July 2010

Money motivation

Yes, it's been a while. I just can't seem to get myself into the whole weight loss thing, I know once I can get started, things will be fine, it's just the starting that is taking a while. I have been thinking about getting an Apple iPod Touch. This little gadget is a music player, it's also a mini computer. I have been thinking about getting one, but it's hard to justify the cost (about 1/5 of a laptop's price) given what it offers.

As I was buying an ice cream after going to the gym (yes, I see a problem here), I decided that I could do things - stop myself spending money on things that won't help me lose weight, as well as buy the iPod Touch.

So the idea is simple - I have a budget for food, and any money that I don't spend on food can go towards the iPod Touch. As well as that, I have a Microsoft Xbox 360 game console. It's 4 years old, quite old as consoles go, and in need of replacement, especially given that it was designed with a fault that increased the chance dramatically of it failing. I'm planning to sell it next week, and put the money towards a replacement which will hopefully last me until the `360s successor comes out. I'll go without one for about 6 months, and buy the replacement just before Christmas, when prices are likely to be lower.

So the idea is simple: I'm allowed $15 per week on food, apart from veges, healthy fats and protein sources. I can spend it on food, or bank it to go towards those items. Also, since I do have trouble getting to the gym, for every day that I get to the gym, $2 is added to the fund. For every day that I don't get to the gym, $2 is taken away. Some days I simply won't be able to go to the gym because of work commitments, but I still have to take off the money in that case. If I go every day that I can manage, I'll still save money, so that's not a big issue.

This motivation starts today.

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