Thursday, 4 December 2014

Monthly update

Just over a month since I last posted, how are things going?  Good.  After I last posted, I stopped dieting briefly, gained a bit, then restarted again.  I also had enough with my medicine and the cravings that it produced, and gave up on them.  I kind of miss the higher quality sleep, but it just wasn't worth it.

Without them, losing weight is much, much easier.  I currently weigh 79.9kg, I've been losing for over a month now.  I seem particularly motivated, I'm not entirely sure where that came from, but I'm making the most of it for now.  I gave up on the idea of not buying clothing until I was at goal, and came across another idea, something that seems to relate well with me.  I'll see how I feel about it, and maybe post when I feel good about it.

I am thoroughly sick and tired of dieting.  I think that I've got about another 20 weeks to go at my ideal rate, and I'll reach goal weight.  I really hope I don't regain, I want to change my eating style and not have to care about gaining and then subsequent months / years losing to get to goal again.

Kind of a short post, but I felt that a short post is better than no post for a while.

See you in about a month.
