Friday 9 April 2010

Day 1 revised

As you can see, I've stopped posting. I do seem to have trouble doing it every day, don't know why, I don't think it's worth trying to see what's stopping me. Anyway, I stopped running. I vaguely remember from years ago that if I ran every day, it was a lot easier to stay motivated to keep on running. So that's what I'm going to do. Run every day. That may become hard to do when I have to work, I'll figure something out. Take today, for instance. It was cold (perfect for running!) and dark (not so perfect) when I went out for my first run in over a week, but the cold killed the battery of my hand held timer (it's too dark to see my watch). However, I did manage 2 minutes, which is fine. Just keep aiming for an increase, and I'll be okay.

Today I ate well, I'm going low carb, and as a result I'll weigh myself on Monday and Tuesday to see how that's going. I may not post every day, we'll see.

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