Sunday, 29 July 2018

Weekly weigh-in number 2

87.7 kg

I'm starting to believe that it's 'true', over eat and you'll gain weight.  I know that it's true, but I've overeaten one day, only to see the scale show a loss the next to know that it's not always true, at least in the short term.

Anyway, I've been on my trip to see my father and his 93rd birthday, and now I'm in Christchurch again.  How did my eating go for last week?

Not very good.  I averaged a whopping 8,003 kJ.  That's way too much, in fact half a kilogram of fat too much.  Hence my weight gain from last week.  Travelling had a lot to do with it, I just can't get into a proper eating routine when I'm away from home.

I'm going low carb, but I want to transition very slowly.  I want that because in the past I've gotten very tired as my body has gotten used to not having any carbohydrates to nibble on during the day.  My carbs per day has so far been: 216, 200, 176, 165 grams so far.  I can reduce it as much as possible, and as slow as I can tolerate.  I'm not in a hurry.

I'm hoping to check in next Sunday with good news.

Sunday, 22 July 2018

Weekly weigh-in

Well, it's been almost a month since I've posted, and how am I going with my losing one kilogram a month idea?  As of a few days ago, I weighed about 86.7 kilograms, which is pretty much the same as my last posting.  I still want to lose about a kilogram a month, but I think that I'm okay with losing faster.  Honestly, I don't know what to do.  I just don't want to be not at goal weight before I move in with Miss Philippines.

I'm counting kilojoules and that's not too much of a hassle, but I realise that even if I stay almost exactly at 6,000 kJ all it takes is one 'blowout' to ruin that and as a consequence, I've decided to have a weekly average that I'll aim for.  For this coming week, it's between 6,300 and 6,400. 

I don't want to do any exercise at the moment, although that may happen, who knows.  I'll try my best to check in every week and say how my diet and weights are going.