Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Weekly weigh-in number 13

85.95 kg, finally under 20 kilograms to goal weight.  Three and a bit weeks into no sugar, and I'm doing well.  My weight dropped every day for almost two weeks. then gained a bit, and stayed constant until now.  I don't know why, I'll let my body decide what's going on.  The good news is that I'm less than 20 kilograms until goal weight, a sort of emotional barrier has been broken.  Even better is that I'm the lowest weight in 203 days.  That's almost 7 months.  But that really means that I've wasted the last 7 months, just waiting until I could go off of sugar. 

Now for the fun stuff, when will I reach goal weight?  In the last three and a bit weeks I've lost just over 3 kilograms, and I would expect to reach goal weight in 146 days.  Of course that's not going to happen, but a dieter can dream, can't they?  I really want to reach goal weight before 15 November next year, and I think that's "very achievable". 

See you next week.

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