Tuesday 15 March 2011


I remember why my weekly weigh-ins usually stopped after a few weeks or so. That's because I realised that because I don't post frequently, half of the blog would be weigh-ins. I think that would be a bit monotonous, so this will be the last weekly update. I'll be posting more often soon, because I'll be halfway, and I want to share significant milestones.

As it is, I'm doing quite well. I've been losing consistently for the last 2 1/2 weeks. Things have changed, I've started a new eating style, but I want to see how it goes before I tell everybody what it is. I'll post in a couple of months or so if it is successful. If you were to note from my blog all of my ideas, plans and challenges, the one consistent thing would be changing things. 3 months of this new eating plan and I'll definitely feel comfortable telling people.

I haven't been exercising. The pool is still closed due to the earthquake, and I dislike running. If it is still closed on Thursday, I'll join a private pool.

Weight: 82.2kg
loss in the last week 600g
loss in the last month 1.4kg
loss in the last year 6.9kg

So things are speeding up, but I feel like I've just been crawling before now.


  1. Hi Me!

    Keep up the great work!! You are making it work!!

    Keep focused!!!!

  2. I also hate running and refuse to do it. But walking is awesome! So if the pool stays closed, just get out and walk! :-) Stay safe.
