Tuesday 5 April 2011

The pool has reopened, exercise begins

When the earthquake occurred, all of the pools in my city were shut. Some suffered damage, some didn't. The local one, only ten minutes drive from my home didn't seem to suffer any real damage fortunately. It reopened yesterday. It's good to get back into exercise. In the last six weeks, the only exercise I managed was a 5km walk, and 3 minutes of running. Even though I considered myself reasonably fit through swimming, I was only able to run for about 3 minutes before getting puffed. I'm not sure what's going on there, but, since I don't enjoy running, I'm unlikely to find out.

From now on, it's sort of a race. A race to goal. How much swimming can I do? The limiting factor is my energy, when I do a lot of exercise I get tired, and need a lie down afterwards (and often I have a sleep as well). Since I have less energy than most people my age, I'm not surprised by that. Before the earthquake when I was doing a reasonably high amount of exercise, I was rather tired all day, I'm not sure whether I want to swim to that extent again. My eating has improved substantially, so maybe I can cut back on the exercise.

I'm still losing weight. I've lost 650 grams in the last week, and the week before that, I lost 700 grams. Those are good numbers, higher than average for the losses I'm getting with no exercise. Because half of the pools in the city are still closed, and are likely to be for months, my local pool is open from 5am to 10pm, 2 hours more than usual. The pool was pretty empty yesterday, the first day it was reopened. I get the feeling that it's going to get a lot busier once people find out it's reopened.


  1. I love swimming too! I plan on starting to do some laps in the mornings before everyone starts getting up. I just can't seem to do very many laps, or I have to rest in between!

  2. I've found that weight loss is really tied more to our eating than exercise is. The exercise is for overall health and fitness. My main form is walking. I feel SO energetic if I can get at least a 1mi walk in every day.

  3. So happy you have your pool back! I love to swim too. Unfortunately our pool has fins, so I started swimming with them. With the fins, I can swim for an hour, without them, maybe 15 minutes. I have not decided if this is a good idea or not. I guess for the exercise part it's great, I get a great work out with them. But for regular swimming, not so good. I feel like a failure because it is so hard. I sound like a nut. Hope this makes sense!!

    Keep working your plan and stay focused!!!
