Thursday 18 August 2011

No more coasting

Ever since Becky and I had our conversation about breaking up, I've been putting on weight. I've enjoyed eating more, I won't deny it, but I've been in a bit of a state of denial that my weight and any increases. That's stopping now. I'm back onto the eating the same thing every day. I've got 18 weeks in a row of losses to prove to me that it works.

I'm not so much in a hurry now, so losses every week are fine, I'll figure out the exercise later. My goal is simple: a loss every week. Every Monday I'll compare myself to the previous Monday. If there's a loss, I can go and see a film on Tuesday (which is the day prices are lower). If not, then I can't go.

To distract me from the loneliness (and adjusting to being single) I'm watching a DVD every day. These were recorded off television and when my video recorder got too full and I had to save it as a DVD to make room. The new rule is that I'm only allowed to watch a DVD when I weigh less that day than a week earlier.

I'm giving myself a sendoff today. It'll either be biscuits or bread. I've eaten more bread in the last 2 weeks than in the previous two years. I'll also get back to commenting and reading other blogs.


  1. Awe. Break ups take a huge mental toll on you and you two were together so long it's only expected. But as long as you make the scale your b#tch from now on you'll do fabulous. I just know it! Hang in there. :D

  2. Sorry to hear about the break up. Stay strong my friend.

  3. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. :) It made me laugh. :D

    It sounds like you had been doing really well until the emotional stuff happened. You can pull through it!

    ~sending good thoughts your way~
