Tuesday 21 February 2012

Enough crawling: the final push to goal - Commitment week 1


My weight loss has been extremely slow recently, I guess I am just freewheeling, and not really putting much effort into things. This has got to stop. I want to go overseas. What's that got to do with things? About 4 years ago, when I decided to go overseas for a holiday as a reward at goal weight I also made a promise to myself. The promise was that I wouldn't go unless I was at goal weight. Then six months ago I became single and had the opportunity to live overseas for a year if I wanted to. I gave myself a year to get used to the idea first (I've never been overseas before) so in 6 months, I want to be jetting off into the sun, heat, humidity that is called The Philippines. A place where people point with their lips, white people pay a "skin tax" and security guards are armed (I haven't seen a gun in at least 20 years).

How do I get there? I lose weight. Starting today I really make a effort towards it. Weekly posting. Seeing how much exercise I can do, without being exhausted all of the time. Eating properly. I've had my birthday (yesterday) so there is no reason to delay or lose track.

I have a rate of weight loss that I'm aiming for. I'm wary of posting it here because I've failed so many personal challenges before. However, it's not impossible if I apply myself. This goes back to the fundamental reason why so many people fail in losing weight. The "C" word. You need Commitment. Some people just don't have it, and for me it has waxed and waned over the years since I've started this blog, nearly two and a half years ago.

I'm going to make a commitment for healthy eating and reasonable amounts of exercise. Let's see what happens!


  1. Good Luck in reaching your goals. You can do it!! Can't wait to see your pictures from the Phillipines. My father actually retired to the phillipines quite a few years ago..he's passed on now but he absolutely loved it!

  2. Sounds like you've got something great to aim for, not only in the long term with the Phillipines, but also on the smaller scale with your weekly target. I find that they really help keep me focussed on my weight loss on a day to day basis, so good luck keeping on track!

  3. Good for you on setting a goal and making a plan to get there. You can do this. Just step by step will get it done!

  4. Good luck! You can do this. Just keep on the right track. If you fall, get right back up.

  5. Commitment is definitely the first step! Sounds like a fun goal. Living in another country is definitely an experience everyone should have. We take far too many things for granted.

  6. OH WOW! So now that I read this, you HAFTA do this!!!!! I can't imagine such a goal~FANTABULOUS!!!!! I have a smaller one~at the end of summer my Mom and brothers are visiting from the other end of the USA. I haven't seen my Mom in a few years, and my brothers in like, nineteen or twenty!!!!!!! I could do a little damage by then, methinks... Forty pounds, maybe?
