Thursday, 27 August 2015


So it's been a few weeks, I still have my cough unfortunately which means that I haven't been going to the gym (although I went today, my first time in about 3 weeks - just for 30 minutes on the elliptical).

A few days ago, I weighed 76.3kg, which is certainly a gain, but it's probably due to water gain due to my consuming so many carbs lately.  Yes, my diet has stalled, and I've gone on the carb wagon.

I've also been eating (and spending) too much lately, which is a bit of a worry.  I'm definitely gaining a bit of fat.


It took me a bit of time to work out why I was doing this, and the reason was simple: stress.  I'm going to Singapore for a holiday, and as has happened before, my stress and anxiety (and depression) has caused a mix of procrastination and eating more than I needed to.  I'm also seeing someone there who I feel responsible for, which doesn't help either. Someone from the Philippines who I met after Miss Miss Mindanao left, we got on well together so I suggested we meet up in Singapore.  She's never been overseas, so I kind of feel responsible for pretty much all the organisational things.

Anyway, that's all part of life, I accept that, and need to continue with the diet and unhitch myself from the carb wagon.  Starting now.

I'll be posting what I'm eating, exercise and what I weigh from now on (I won't be weighing daily as I don't feel it's totally necessary right now).  Low carb plus 'reward' meals every half kilogram.  I'm kind of wanting to aim for goal day to be the 1st of December, although I don't actually expect it to be that day exactly.

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