Things are going well, although my ankle is really sore and weak, walking is very slow even using crutches. I am recovering but it's quite slow, I can see myself using the crutches at least for the next 3-4 weeks.
How did I go with my eating?
Saturday 5,555KJ excess 9,505
Sunday 6,874 kJ excess 10,379
Monday 5,570 kJ excess 9,949
Tuesday I had some nice food eaten away from home, I probably lost fat but not much
Wednesday same as Tuesday I had some nice food at a nearby mall, I probably lost fat though
Thursday 6,108 kJ excess 10,057
Friday 5,986 kJ excess 10,043
So I ate out twice in the last week, and I over ate the equivalent of about an apple. I still need to not eat the equivalent of about 25 apples in order to get back to where I should be.
As for weighing myself, it's quite painful because I need to go somewhere where I can get an accurate reading, so I don't want to do that every day.
Even so, here are my weights:
Saturday 89.0 kg
Sunday 89.1 kg
Monday 89.0 kg
Tuesday 88.6 kg
Wednesday 88.5 kg
Friday 88.3 kg
So there is a bit of fluctuation from day to day, but a general downward trend. At the moment I don't know what my loss per day seems to be, it's too early to calculate a number that is going to be accurate.
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