Tuesday 21 August 2012

Back in the 60's (kilograms) and a smartphone reward


The last time I was in the 60's was back in 2001, in February just after my birthday.  That's some time ago.  Five months ago I bought a smartphone which was on special, the Motorola Defy.  I chose that because it was waterproof and also the screen had special glass that wasn't easily scratched.  It's been waiting in its box ever since, I put it out of sight and promised myself that I wouldn't open it until I was "almost there".  I've never had a smartphone before, so I really don't know much about them, apart from the fact that they are 'little computers'.  I won't be using it to make calls, I prefer a smaller phone, rather I'll do it for computing tasks and also an attempt to increase something which is important to me - my intelligence.

Some time ago it was discovered that you could increase a persons intelligence by performing an exercise called dual-n-back.  That's where you listen to numbers being spoken and also look at the words on a screen.  You have to remember what's happening and whether the two are related, and the time difference between the two slowly gets longer and longer.  Someone discovered that it increases your intelligence, although more recent research seems to think that the effect is statistically insignificant.  I'm thinking that it helps for some, and doesn't for others.  There's no harm in trying it to see if it does help.  An increase in intelligence is always helpful for my university studies, as I'm doing mathematics and engineering.  Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's really hard.  This sort of thing is ideal for using on a smartphone, a really portable computer.  Like exercise it's a case of "use it or lose it", you stop doing the activity and the effect goes away.

I had saved up 3 years of Christmas and 4 years of birthdays gifts from my father, totaling $225.  I just told my father to keep the money and wait until I asked for it.  I'm going to Dunedin next week (for another reward) where I'll collect the money.  The smartphone cost me $299 so that's a real cost to me of only $74.

Just over 3 kilograms to goal.  The funny thing is that I'm actually speeding up in my weight loss.  The reason is that really, I'm tired of it all.  3 years and 25kg so far.  Constantly thinking of weight and energy and protein etc is draining.  Oh by the way, I've been estimating my body fat percentage.  There are lots of methods, but they are all rather inaccurate to some degree, so I thought that I'd try the simplest method: comparing my body with photos of known percentages.  Current estimate is about 17%, which is the heaviest of the 'fitness' range.  I'd guess that will only change a few percentage points as I reach goal weight.  My thighs still rub together (not really a concern) and I've still got a double chin (something I'd like to get rid of).


  1. I am way past wanting a smart phone but my 30 year old daughter recently got one and loves it. She likes to connect to wi fi wherever we go to check her email and such. Since she got the phone, she spends a lot less time on her computer. As she used to make fun of such people, she now bemoans the fact that she's "one of those people."

    Congrats on your loss. You are just about to your goal! Then you'll need a current picture.

  2. We got smart phones about 2 years ago. I still don't know everything it can do. LOL I know just what you mean about being tired of the whole weight loss thing. I'm there too. My focus has slowly turned away from the weight loss and turned, first, to healthy, organic nutrition and, now, to fitness. If the weight comes off- FANTASTIC. But I'm not going to be driven by that any longer.

  3. I tried to stay away from a smart phone as long as I could. I have one now, and am addicted. This is why I needed to stay away:)

  4. So close to goal, wow that must be exciting - but scary too because of the gain back issue. This whole think does get a bit much that's for sure. I don't know from Smart Phones but my granddaughter has one and loves it - your will too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

  5. I love my smartphone and I'm sure you will enjoy yours as well. More importantly, I know you are enjoying being at a healthy weight!

  6. i plan to give myself a smartphone as a gift once i reach my weight loss goal. happy for you that you are near to your goal. keep it up.
