Sunday 28 March 2010

Day 1 of 120 exercise

I had a few half hearted attempts at going low carb, and exercise as well, but now I think I've got it all sorted. The next 'hurdle' will be Easter, I'll try to avoid chocolate as much as possible. I want to put exercise as priority #1 behind work and sleep, starting today. I want to see how I'll cope with 3 months of going to the gym, and one month to build up fitness beforehand. Apparently, this time I'm serious.

The whole 4 month period will ideally result in me losing at least 12kg, the absolute maximum would be 17kg but I really don't think that will happen. I want to post daily, saying how my eating and exercise went. Also I'll be weighing in and posting that daily as well. The posts are likely to be short.

This morning I weighed in at 91.1kg. This is much higher than what it should be, but I'll be losing fluids in the next few days which will result in at least a few kg loss. How did my exercise go today? Pretty well. I fully admit that I'm not fit, so the plan was to run in a nearby park, 1 minute running, then 1 minute resting. Repeat as much as possible, ideally I'd run for an hour. It sounds pretty lame, just running for a minute, but in fact it's really great! You're only 1 minute away from a break. You never get really tired. I'm going to stick with 1 minute until it's obvious that I can manage two minutes. Yes, it adds an extra hour to the workout but if exercise is a high priority, that doesn't matter.

After running for 20 minutes, my right knee got a bit sore, so I stopped and went home. A few hours later, I went running again, again my knee got sore, so I stopped at 20 minutes. Last run for the day, I only managed 1 minute of running. The muscles just above my ankles were really sore. I'm hoping that tomorrow they will be much better. As for food, I had veges, tuna and olive oil as my main (low carb) food. Bad foods I shouldn't have had were: a can of beer, and three apples. I've got about a kilogram of apples left, I really shouldn't eat them so I'm throwing them out.

Tomorrow I expect to probably lose about 500g, and I want to run about the same period or hopefully more. BTW, opposite the park is where a friend lives. I don't see her very often, once or twice a year, but we've been friends for about 12 years. I decided that I wouldn't let her know that I'm running, because last time we met she said that I didn't need to lose weight. I don't know whether she was just being polite or didn't actually want me to lose weight (me being paranoid - maybe) but I'll just see her when I see her (preferably at goal), and not mention the fact that I was a lot heavier.

One last thing, only 3 blogs this month in my list of successful bloggers put on weight! That's 3 too many, but they are my true inspiration. They've lost continuously for 4 months so far, after 6 months I'll post the list.

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