Tuesday 6 December 2011

Oops, I gained this week

78.6kg, a again of 500 grams from last week

I lost 12 weeks in a row, but due to my own mismanagement I gained this week. I wasn't weighing daily, and due to overindulging more than a few days in a row, plus something I went to on Saturday night, Monday's weigh-in was a bit of a surprise. Well, really it wasn't. Don't worry, I haven't lost my weight loss mojo. This is a minor setback, a small bump in the road.

In terms of the dreaded exercise, I'm still not doing any. I'm hoping that will change soon, because I'm paying for the gym, whether I'm going or not. Maybe it's because I'm on holiday at the moment, and have been for just over a month now.

Because of my eating the same thing every day, it's easy to work out how much I spend on food. I was really surprised to see that I spend at least NZ$93 a week. That's a bit too high for me, so I am trying to get it down to about $60 a week. That means reducing protein, which may result in an increase in hunger. It's all a bit too early to tell so far. One thing I did try a few days ago was peanuts. At 44 kilojoules per cent, they are great value for money. The most expensive food in terms of energy is frozen vegetables, at 3 kilojoules per cent, but I don't buy them for the energy, rather for the nutrients. Anyway, after consuming probably more peanuts than I should have, I end up with a bad case of indigestion. I vaguely recall this happening in the past, when I over did it with peanuts. I'll have to limit how much I eat, and also plan my day so I have them over the whole day.

In case anyone is wondering what my cooking plan is, well there isn't any. I hate to cook, I see food preparation as wasted time so I tend to eat raw food or things that are easily cooked in the microwave (such as frozen veges). I've been this way since, well since I moved out of the family home. I've lived with two women, it seemed that my dislike of cooking rubbed off on them so they didn't feel the need to be all domestic and cook for me. Plus I would never ask them to.

I'm feeling fine about the gain this week, although my 12 week streak has ended. I'm expecting a loss next week.


  1. Ah, the bumps in the road. We've all bounced over them. Good luck with having a loss next week. :)

  2. No more guilt! You can lose weight without exercising and don't cook if you don't want to cook. If it becomes a chore you will burn out. Perhaps one day you will get more active - there are many ways to do so without pumping iron. The food industry has provided us with many choices for healthy things that don't require a recipe. Do what you have been doing that works. There are many who exercise consistently - good for them (I am one) but I sure don't think you have to exercise. I tend to eat the same things pretty much and that is OK too.

  3. A small gain is just that. I can't lose weight without exercise. Simply does not work for me. With your gym membership, maybe you can get some advice from a personal trainer to get your exercise mojo going. Have a god week, michele
