Tuesday 13 December 2011

Weekly update

79.2kg, a gain of 600 grams from last week

Okay, I admit that I'm headed in the wrong direction. Two weeks in a row of gaining. I realised what the problem was, being on holiday for such a long time was increasing the lack of direction for me. It's not that work makes my life better, probably the opposite (with the exception of getting paid, of course). It's just having five weeks of holidays is probably a lot, and any structure that I already had in my life might slowly evaporate.

So I'm back to work now, and the structure has increased. I have a feeling that I will start with the exercise again, I didn't have this 2 or 3 weeks ago. That's good. Any small gains will take a week or two to get rid of. I've been up and down so much on this rollercoaster, a small amount is not going to change any long-term results.

My brother came to visit briefly. His oldest daughter was graduating in Dunedin, so they flew to Christchurch and stopped in to visit me on the way down, and drove the rest. I complimented him on his weight loss. He has just as bad a problem with yo-yoing as I do. I said that he only had about 10kg to go, but his wife said that she didn't want him going to get as low as 80kg because his face looked "gaunt". That's wrong, of course, his face didn't look gaunt, it's just that really, she didn't want to be with a slim man, when she was not so slim. I think that this is a common problem in couples, one person feels insecure about the other losing weight. I hope he ignores her requests. But my brother has always been an overeater (such as planning to gain weight when on holiday) so who knows when he will reach 80kg, if ever.

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