Thursday 15 March 2012

Commitment week 4

76.2kg, lowest weight in 8 months 3 days

Thursday morning and I have a visitor. Apart from Becky this is the first visitor I've had stay over. My brother is on the floor in the living room, he's travelling back to his home in the North Island from having his 50th with my father and sister in Dunedin. We had a long talk yesterday which was unusual as we hardly ever have time together nowadays.

I'm having trouble breathing. This is entirely my own fault, I hardly have any visitors which means that the place can get a bit untidy, and when I do tidy it sometimes I have an allergic reaction to something. Today I start a new resolution: tidying every day.

I've lost 0.6kg this week. That's not a lot, and I really want it to be more, but if you're losing you're losing. I had a bit of a carb fest on Sunday night, which may still be an issue for me now. I've found that my weight drops about 80 hours after eating carbs. I'm meant to be doing low carb and be in ketosis all of the time. I can easily tell when I'm there because my urine smells of ammonia.

My weekly question: have I made a commitment to losing weight in the last week?

Generally yes, although my exercise is lacking. I haven't done any. I'm really slack when it comes to exercise, and I'm not sure how I can change that. I need to start walking again. That seems to be the best form of exercise I do, I can do it daily with no feelings of dread.


  1. *THANK YOU!* for visiting me! You have a great blog and such a great blogroll to peruse, so I will be back!!! :)

    OH the dread factor~I so get it! But you can do it, and if you want a little prodding I'll bug ya! And if not, I'll shut it... :)

  2. Thinking of you today and just checkin' in for an update....
