Friday 1 January 2010

Happy New Year!

I have a number of things that I want to achieve this year, one of course is losing weight and reaching goal. Someone on another blog posted these questions, I'll fill them in as time permits as I'm working today and on the weekend.

How much weight do you want to lose?
I want to lose another 21kg

What is the timeframe for reaching your target weight?
It should ideally be done in 230 days, but I'll be happy by the end of 2010

How do you want to accomplish your goal (what methods do you want to use)?
Motivation is 80% of my losing weight, the rest is what I eat (mainly high protein)

Who or what can support you in reaching your goal?
Just me I guess, plus this blog and my motivation system

How realistic is your goal?
Very, since I was at goal for a year when I was 34 (then I broke my arm...)

When will you start?
I started at 3rd September 2009

What is your current height and weight?
You're not going to calculate BMI, are you? Sneaky. You knew that BMI is for large populations, not individuals, didn't you? And the height should be to a power of about 2.6, try doing that on a four function calculator.

If you were at an ideal weight now, what would that weight be?
66kg, but I reserve the right to go lower (or higher, if needs arise)

At what weight would you like to be at four months from now?
4 x 30 = 120 days, at 100g/day that's 12kg loss from my current 87kg = 75kg.

Why do you want to lose weight?
A number of reasons, probably the greatest is that I like being slim.

Do you want to lose weight for a specific life event such as wedding or reunion? If so, when is that event?
I did want to lose weight for a high school reunion, but I blew that idea. See my theory on weight loss in my first posting on the blog.

What obstacles could get between you and your weight loss goals?
Any number, I hate to think of them all. I have decided that if I have a stay in hospital, I won't try to lose then.

Why do you think that you now have a weight problem?
The hormonal feedback mechanism in my body is broken. It's not like I was eating a large amount extra, it's equivalent to an extra apple a day.

What lifestyle changes do you think would help you lose weight?
Cutting back on food, that's pretty much it.

Have you lost weight in the past? If so, what has worked in the past to help you lose weight?
Yes, eating protein helped, also having a scale in the middle of my bedroom helped, but since I'm sharing a bedroom I don't think it's a good idea.

Why do you believe that you did not lose weight or you gained the weight back?
Being around someone who ate junk food continually doesn't help, and unlimited supply of free junk food, I've never been in that environment before.

What, if anything, has not worked for you in the past in helping you to lose weight?
Lots of things, but the wrong motivation isn't good.

Why do you think it did not work?
Because it's wrong...

Would you try writing down all food and drink consumed for a given period of time?
I've tried it, and I hated it. I only last a few days.

Do you cook at home often? If so, what do you cook?
I hate to cook, I can't see how people can lose weight when they cook often.

How often do you go out to eat? Where do you go?
I enjoy a coffee and slice of cake far too often, just go to local cafes etc.

What are your three favorite foods?
Apples, ice cream, mixed veges.

What are your three favorite restaurants?
I'm not a restaurant frequenter really.

What are three things you can do differently when it comes to food?
1. Eat less 2. Eat less 3. Eat less.

If you woke up tomorrow and your body was exactly the way you want it, what would be different?
My weight.

Do you eat when you are not hungry?
Who doesn't?

Do you binge eat (large amounts at a time)?

Do you hide your food or eat in secret?

Do you eat when you are sad, nervous, or depressed?
Who doesn't?

Do you eat as a reward?
Yes, too much.

Do you eat while watching TV or using the computer?

What do you normally eat for a meal?
It varies substantially.

What type of snacks do you eat?
It varies a lot.

In terms of exercise, what, if anything, are you currently doing?

Where do you go for exercise? A local public gym? School/work gym? Home?
See above.

What, if anything, are your three favorite types of exercise?

What is your daily/weekly/monthly/yearly motivation to move towards your goals?
I have a 4 day motivation system to lose weight, see my first posting.

Do you have rewards for certain goals?

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